Pelaksanaan Asesmen Awal Dalam Mengurangi Cidera Pada Pasien Risiko Jatuh di Unit Gawat Darurat


  • Iswadi ISWADI Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi


Patient safety has become a global issue amidst current industrial developments and health advances. Incidents often occur in hospitals that are detrimental to patient safety. The country, through the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation Number 11 of 2017, has established a National Patient Safety Committee which aims to protect and ensure patient safety, one of the main objectives of which is to reduce the risk of injury due to falls. ER nurses have a greater risk in implementing this patient safety goal, due to a decrease in physiological, neurological function and mental changes in patients when received in the ER. The aim of the research was to obtain an overview of the implementation of the Patient Safety Target (SKP-6) to reduce the risk of injury to patients falling in the hospital emergency room. X Jambi City. The study method uses a qualitative approach presented in a descriptive analytical design. Primary data was obtained through questionnaires on a sample of 40 respondents, while secondary data was obtained observationally and by reviewing patient medical records. The results of the study showed that of the 40 respondents, 28 (70%) respondents were assessed well (low fall risk) with 24 (85.7%) respondents having a light risk of injury, and 4 (14.3%) respondents having a serious risk of injury. Meanwhile, 12 (30%) respondents were assessed as poor (high risk of falling) with 10 (83.3%) respondents having a light risk of injury and 2 (16.7%) respondents having a high risk of injury due to fall risk assessment interventions that were not implemented optimally. The chi square statistical test showed a p value of 0.063 > 0.05, meaning there was no significant relationship between the fall risk assessment and the implementation of injury risk interventions for fall risk patients in the Emergency Unit of Rs. X Jambi City. The conclusion of this study shows that ER nurses have carried out fall risk assessments well and implemented interventions for injury risk according to patient safety guidelines, however the implementation of injury risk interventions has not been carried out consistently, where there are still patients with fall risk who have not been assessed but injury risk interventions have been carried out. , and conversely there are still patients with a high risk of falling who are not assessed but interventions to overcome injuries are implemented



How to Cite

ISWADI, I. (2024). Pelaksanaan Asesmen Awal Dalam Mengurangi Cidera Pada Pasien Risiko Jatuh di Unit Gawat Darurat. Jurnal Kesehatan Dan Sains Terapan, 9(2), 40-45. Retrieved from